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  • Finding and using walking trails

Finding and using walking trails

Trails are walkable series of records.

How to find trails:

To see trails, click on the icon in the toolbar that looks like a map pin with a route.

The toolbar in the map information tray. The icons are a house (intro), a compass (browse), a magnifying glass (seach), two squares (overlays), and a question mark (help). The trails icon is highlighted.

You can then browse trails, and get a closer look at any that interest you.

A screenshot showing some of the available walking trails on Layers of London

How to use trails:

Click Start trail to see the records that make up the trail. If you are on mobile you may be asked for location permissions, so that you can see where you are in relation to the trail.

A screenshot of a trail preview on Layers of London

You can then click Next or Prev to cycle through them.

A screenshot demonstrating how to use the trails feature

Click Quit Trail to quit.

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