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The University of Music & Performing Arts in Vienna: Senfl’s World

Who are they?

Opening its doors in 1817, the University of Music & Performing Arts in Vienna is one of the largest specialty music universities in the world.

Led by Dr Stefan Gasch, a team from the university created Senfl Online, an expansive biography of the life of 16th century composer Ludwig Senfl. 

Senfl’s World, an interactive history map, is a part of that project.

Pictured right: a selection of records on Senfl’s World.
Header image: Ludwig Senfl, ‘Kain höhers lebt, noch schwebt‘ (SC S 194), on Senfl’s World.

What was the challenge?

The team wanted to create a free resource that would immerse the user in 16th-century Europe, going beyond words and images on a screen to bring history to life. 

The format needed to be accessible to a non-academic audience, but relevant to the research interests of academics, students, and enthusiasts. While the ideal platform would be able to present huge amounts of information succinctly and dynamically, it needed to be easy for the project team to pick up as they went.

Pictured left: De arte canendi, ac vero signorvm in cantibvs vsv, on Senfl’s World.

What was the result?

Senfl’s World launched in 2024 with 361 records, 26 collections and 3 overlays. 

It is a vibrant, immersive interactive learning experience that’s accessible for the general public but relevant to the project’s academic primary audience. 

Pictured right: Printer’s mark in Johannes Frosch, ‘Rerum musicarum opusculum rarum ac insignie’, Strasbourg: Schöffer & Apiarius 1535, on Senfl’s World.

Why Humap? 

The team in Vienna were familiar with another project on Humap that was heavy on documentation, so they knew Humap could handle large amounts of complex data and make it accessible and fun.

The scope of the project was the life and times of Ludwig Senfll, not learning a GIS platform, so Humap’s ease of use was another point in our favour and the team behind the map were able to create something amazing over a period of a few months.

Learn about academic research on Humap.

Pictured left: Etched tabletop of the Löffelholz family, on Senfl’s World.

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