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Using Humap

Carousel items

Carousel Items are obsolete for anyone not using Legacy Pages.

This tutorial is available in video and text/image.

Carousel Items appear on the homepages and content pages. These usually contain an image on the left and some descriptive text and a button on the right.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see Carousel Items in action.

Here’s how to create carousel items:

A screenshot of the New Carousel Item creation screen in the admin dashboard.

  • Go to the admin dashboard and click Carousel Items. This will take you to the Carousel dashboard screen.
  • Name the homepage in the Title text box.
  • Type a description into the Description text box.
  • If relevant, add in a URL, button text, and pick an icon by clicking on the drop down menu.
  • Click Choose File to upload an image.
  • Name the image in the tex box below.
  • Click Create Carousel Item.


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